Our experts say
Nevsky Prostor experts suggest that it is time to buy real estate.
According to the data of the Research and Analytics Center of the group of companies of Biuleten Nedvizhimosti, the property prices have declined slightly.
The average price decreased by 0.1% and became 120 thousand rubles per square meter (the secondary market) within the month...
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Unfortunately today no body or organization in the Russian property market, including public authorities, cannot guarantee that when buying an apartment even if your transaction is notarized and registered in the Rosreestr (the Federal Agency for State Registration, Cadastre, and Cartography) fully complying the legislation and all the payments are...
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The experts of the real estate market note that property deals become riskier, and the chance of a risk is growing steadily. Each deal has a set of risks and to minimize the risks you should contact professional and experienced real estate agents.
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Санкт-Петербурге- Когда речь идет о повышении цен на международном рынке недвижимости, недавний отчет показал, что крупнейшие прыжки был в Лондоне, Монако и Пекине. Ну, там это и неудивительно.Но что это за город, который опережает эти знакомые названия, а также Лос-Анджелес и Гонконг? Это Санкт-Петербург.Согласно последнему...
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