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How to rent an apartment with pets: tricks and secrets

How to rent an apartment with pets: tricks and secrets

How to rent an apartment with pets: tricks and secrets

On June 8, a wonderful holiday is celebrated in St. Petersburg - the Day of St. Petersburg cats!  This holiday was announced in 2005 by a group of local artists who installed a sculpture of a cat named Tishka on the ledge of their workshop.

In connection with this wonderful event, we want to share with you information that may be useful for those who are looking for an apartment to rent and who have pets such as cats or dogs. Yes, this is possible, despite all the rumors that landlords are running away from toothy and fluffy like from fire. We have collected some tips for you that will help you successfully rent a house in the company of your pet.

First and foremost is honesty. Never hide the presence of a pet. This will only make the situation worse. It is better to immediately inform the lessor about the presence of a furry friend and try to convince him that your animal is a real gentleman (or lady) who has nothing to fear.

Look for offers that explicitly state that animals are allowed. Do not waste your time with lessors who are categorically against pets. After all, why do you need unnecessary heartache and unnecessary negotiations?

Prepare recommendations from previous lessors. Let them confirm that your animal is a real angel who leaves no traces of destruction behind him.

Offer an increased deposit. This can be a good argument in your favor. The lessor will see your seriousness and responsibility.

Prepare information about your animal. Tell us about the breed, age, size and character of your pet. Maybe it will even be a reason for a new friendship between you and the lessor!

Do not forget to mention the animal in the rental agreement. This is important for both you and the lessor. After all, everything should be official and according to the law.

We hope that our tips will help you successfully find an apartment to rent in the company of your pet. Remember, honesty and openness are the key qualities in this process. Good luck to you and your four-legged friend!

If you have any questions or would like to receive more detailed advice, do not hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to help!

Nevsky Prostor Real Estate Agency

Tel: +7 (812) 325-38-38 (from 9-00 to 21-00 on weekdays; from 10-00 to 18-00 on weekends and public days)

Address: Russia, 199406, Saint Petersburg, Nalichnaya Street, 22 


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