How to dispose real estate after the wedding: tips from a marriage expert
Today we will talk about how not to get trapped with real estate after marriage.
According to article 256 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation after the wedding, everything that was acquired becomes shared property. But what if you bought an apartment together, but did not issued it legally? The apartment is still considered shared. The only important thing is that you have not forgotten about the marriage contract. Yes, it's not just a piece of paper, it's a guarantee of your peace of mind in the future. A prenuptial agreement is your faithful «friend» in the real estate world. It can be signed both before and after the wedding. The main thing is that it should be notarized. If you don't have a prenuptial agreement yet, then it's time to think about signing it.
However, it's not that simple! There are properties that are not considered common after the wedding. For example, something that was acquired before marriage or inherited. So if you have a countryside house that you inherited from your grandmother, then do not worry - it will remain only yours.
How to sell or buy a property after the wedding? The main thing is to get the written consent of your spouse. Otherwise, you may face unpleasant consequences, for example, the recognition of the transaction as invalid. And to avoid such troubles, it is best to seek help from professionals, for example, our real estate agency «Nevsky Prostor»
Remember - marriage is not only about love, but also about the proper disposal of property. Be attentive and take care of each other not only in good times, but also in legal times!
On January 26, Spouses Day is celebrated in a number of countries. This holiday has no official status, but it reminds us of the value of family relationships and the opportunity to pay attention to your spouse. After all, caring and attention to loved ones are so important for our happiness!
Do not forget about property rights and taking care of your family. We hope that this information was useful for you. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about this topic, please contact our specialists. Remember that knowing your rights will help you avoid trouble and maintain harmony in your relationship.
We wish you a strong and happy family!
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• Tel: +7 (812) 325-38-38 (from 9-00 to 21-00 on weekdays; from 10-00 to 18-00 on weekends and public days)
• Address: Russia, 199406, Saint Petersburg, Nalichnaya Street, 22
• You can also ask our specialists online