Nikolay Ivanov, Russia, St Petersburg
I’d like to thank Marina for helping us to sell our apartment and buy a new one. She provided us with support at all stages, gave us recommendations when it was needed. She was nice and responsible and paid attention to all our requests.
Nikolay Ivanov, Russia, St Petersburg
I would like to thank real estate agent Marina Chumakova for helping us with selling our apartment and buying a new one. She fully assisted us with all questions and gave us plenty of advice. I really appreciate her responsible and professional attitude to each deal.
The Shmelevs, 圣彼得堡
我们非常感谢玛丽娜•车马卡夫以及整个Nevsky Prostor团队带给我们的帮助。他们帮我们达成了两笔交易:出售了我们的旧房子,买入了一套新房子。衷心感谢你们的支持和源源不断的建议,并在所有的重要时刻和紧急关口与我们共同度过。感谢你们非凡的机智、耐心和过硬的专业水平,为我们选择了最完美的房子。祝愿你们生意兴隆,财源滚滚!