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ООО «Real estate agency «NEVSKY PROSTOR»»


Approved by Order No. 2

By the General Director of OOO Real estate agency «NEVSKY PROSTOR»


Dated June 1, 2014


1. Property deals:


NumberName of serviceType of property
1. Selling property Specifies according to the ARSPb*
2. Buying property Specifies according to the ARSPb*
3. Sale-and-purchase transaction management 770 USD/50 thousand rubles 615 USD/40 thousand rubles Negotiated Negotiated
4. Property renting (*) Specifies according to the ARSPb*


If a preliminary contract is signed, the client's repudiation makes it impossible to fulfill the contract and is had to be paid in full under article No. 781 paragraph 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

(*) The Association of Realtors of St Petersburg and Leningrad Region, www.arspb.ru


2. Approximate standard expense form of the agency providing property sale-purchase services

The expense form includes the following costs of the agency for 1-month work under a contract with a client:

- real estate specialists, lawyers, managers, office staff, consultants, lawyers specialising on civil law contracts, private entrepreneurs

- cost of office maintenance (rent, taxes, utilities, insurance, cleaning, repairs and etc)

- cost of property advertising and promotion in the Internet and printed media, banners


NumberType of property / price
USD/million rubles
USD/thousand rubles per month
USD/thousand rubles per month
USD/thousand rubles per month
USD/thousand rubles per month
1. 150000/Up to 10 150/10000 185/12000 230/15000   15000
2. From 150000 to 750000/From 10 to 50 300/20000 ---- 460/30000 460/30000
3. Over 750000/Over 50 450/30000 ---- 460/40000 615/40000


leaflets and etc.

- transport costs, communication, maintenance of office equipment, etc.

3. Cost of specialist services in case hourly rate regardless of results:

NumberPosition name1 hour of office work (USD/rubles)1 hour of field work (USD/rubles)
1. Non-certified specialist 10/700 15/1000
2. Certified specialist (Agent)** 15/1000 20/1500
3. Certified specialist (Broker)** 30/2000 45/3000
4. Certified lawyer, certified real estate specialist 45/3000 60/4000
5. Executive Director 80/5000 100/7000
5. The head of the Agency, deputy head, advisor of the head 150/10000 230/15000
6. Other specialists: translator, lawyer, photographer, designer, repairman, cleaner and etc. Separate expense form Separate expense form


**In accordance with the National Standard ROSS RU No. I046. 04 RN00:

Agent is a private person, employee or private entrepreneur who provides real estate market services, trained and certified in accordance with the National standard "Real estate activities. Brokerage services in the real estate market." and general requirements for real estate agent qualification. The agent works under the guidance of the broker within employment and civil relations.

Broker is a private person, employee or private entrepreneur, selling real estate services with having a right to sign contracts with clients and performing administrative functions in respect of subordinate staff. All brokers are certified in accordance with the National Standard "Real estate activities. Brokerage services in the real estate market." and general requirements for real estate broker qualification. The broker performs within employment and civil relations.


4. Discounts and extra charges

   Discounts are available:

  • within official special offers of the agency (check out our website www.spb-estate.com or our office)

  • in case of repeat business

  • on the recommendation of former clients

  • when selling property and buying another at the same time

Extra charges are taken in case of complicated transactions:

  • resettlement,

  • separation,

  • chains of more than 2 properties,

  • mortgage,

  • transactions with mortgage properties,

  • transactions with legal persons,

  • by proxy,

  • transactions involving minors и and etc.


亚历山大•金维科 首席执行官

房产代理公司Nevsky Prostor是圣彼得堡,列宁格勒地区以及全俄罗斯地产代理协会的正式成员。从2002年起公司每三年进行一次新的房产服务认证。



详见 (99)
  • Thanks to: 阿拉•社科维基
    Deputy Chief Executive Officer
    Natalya Konopleva
    Thank you for your great job. Everything was done without any problems. We have worked with this agency for several times, we and our friends. The deals were made without any fuss and mistakes. My friend bought an apartment in a brand new home. The agency recommended her the best developer and the deal was made without any problems. Thanks again for your work.
  • Thanks to: Elizaveta Petrova
    Real estate advisor. Secondary market, Rent, New housing market
    Leonid Livshits
    Many thanks to Elizaveta Petrova for her great work.
  • Thanks to: 玛丽娜•艾莎夫
    Real estate advisor. Secondary market, Rent. Training manager
    A. Kosareva
    Марина Леонидовна в течение всего времени работы четко инструктировала и контролировала меня, всячески морально поддерживала. У меня сложилось очень хорошее мнение о ней как о специалисте и человеке. Огромное спасибо!
  • Thanks to: 阿拉•社科维基
    Deputy Chief Executive Officer

    I would like to thank Alla Shinkevich for great work she did for us. Although other real estate agents told us that it was impossible to sell our apartment at the price we asked, she agreed to sell our apartment and she actually sold it at the exact price we wanted. And on December 1 a complicated transaction was made where 5 persons were involved. Alla is a real professional. She was helping us from the very beginning and even after the transaction was made. We deeply appreciate her help.
  • Thanks to: Liubov Sidoriuk
    Real estate advisor. Secondary market, Mortgage broker, Rent
    E. Kharitonov
    Хочу выразить огромную благодарность за отличную работу Сидорюк Любовь Николаевне. Профессионализм - это главное слово, которым можно охарактеризовать работу этого специалиста. Корректность, отличное знание своего дела. За время сделки много уделялось внимания, учитывались все наши пожелания в вопросах продажи и покупки недвижимости. Большое спасибо за терпение, отзывчивость и порядочность!
    Желаю всему Вашему коллективу ярких, значительных ебин и дальнейшего процветания компании.
  • Thanks to: Nataliia Diachkova
    Специалист первичного, вторичного,загородного рынков недвижимости, аренда, коммерция

    Everything was done professionally. Thank you so much!
  • Василий
    Продавал квартиру в ипотеке с агентством «Невский простор». Все прошло отлично, никаких проблем не возникло. Сотрудники сами готовили документы, решали все задачи по сделке и с банком. Показали себя как опытные профессионалы, не испугались объекта с обременением.
  • Ксения
    Замечательные сотрудники АН «Невский простор» помогли быстро получить выписку из ЕГРН! Большое спасибо за профессиональную помощь в решении срочного вопроса! Мне не пришлось ничего делать самой и никуда обращаться. Все сделали в агентстве и быстро предоставили готовую выписку.
  • Thanks to: 玛丽娜•车马卡夫
    Real estate advisor. Secondary market, Rent, New housing market
    The Shmelevs
    我们非常感谢玛丽娜•车马卡夫以及整个Nevsky Prostor团队带给我们的帮助。他们帮我们达成了两笔交易:出售了我们的旧房子,买入了一套新房子。衷心感谢你们的支持和源源不断的建议,并在所有的重要时刻和紧急关口与我们共同度过。感谢你们非凡的机智、耐心和过硬的专业水平,为我们选择了最完美的房子。祝愿你们生意兴隆,财源滚滚!
  • Thanks to: 玛丽娜•艾莎夫
    Real estate advisor. Secondary market, Rent. Training manager
    Shishkin Mikhail
    С большим удовольствием работали с менеджером агентства Ершовой Мариной Леонидовной. Удивительная контактность, выдержка и культура общения. Здоровья, благополучия, удачи в делах! Спасибо!






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  • 阿拉•社科维基
    Deputy Chief Executive Officer 证书编号: BN 04737 Request callback
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