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Let's figure out how much apartments in Khrushchevki cost today and how has the attitude of buyers towards this type of housing changed in recent years?

Let's figure out how much apartments in Khrushchevki cost today and how has the attitude of buyers towards this type of housing changed in recent years?

Let's figure out how much apartments in Khrushchevki cost today and how has the attitude of buyers towards this type of housing changed in recent years?

In September 2024, 1,067 apartments in Khrushchevki are for sale on the secondary real estate market in St. Petersburg. Since March of this year, the number of offers has decreased by 3.3% or 36 lots, experts from the Nevsky Prostor real estate agency said

At the moment, the most budget apartment in the "Khrushchevki" of St. Petersburg is for sale for 3.9 million rubles. This budget will allow you to purchase a 1-bedroom apartment with an area of 30 sq. m., which is located on the 5th floor of a 5-storey building. The facility is located in the Krasnoselsky district of the city.

The most affordable apartment in Khrushchevka, which is located within walking distance from the metro, is currently on sale for 4.6 million rubles. The facility is located in the Kalininsky district, near the Akademicheskaya metro station. The area of the object is 30 sq. m.

The most expensive apartment in Khrushchevka is now on sale for 15 million rubles. This budget will allow you to purchase a 3-room apartment in the Moskovsky district with an area of 52 sq. m. the apartment is located on the 3rd floor of a 5-storey building.

"In recent years, the attitude towards the Khrushchevks has not undergone significant changes. As before, most buyers consider them as low-quality housing, although located in very successful areas with developed infrastructure and proximity to the metro. Many buyers, especially those whose budget is limited, continue to purchase Khrushchevki. Most often, this is either the first housing for young families or newcomers, or apartments for rent. In such situations, Khrushchevki become a suitable option due to the relatively low cost," says Alla Shinkevich, General Director of the Nevsky Prostor Real Estate Agency.

She notes that buyers are increasingly afraid to invest in the renovation of such apartments, fearing renovation. No one wants to spend significant funds on improving an apartment, knowing that the house may fall under resettlement, and investments may be meaningless. This constrains the growth of demand for such properties, especially among those who consider buying real estate as a long-term investment.

Nevertheless, "Khrushchevki" remain in demand among buyers who are looking for affordable housing. First of all, this applies to those who do not have the financial opportunity to purchase more modern housing, but need to increase their living space. For example, families can sell a two-room "Khrushchev" and buy a similar apartment with three or four rooms, while remaining in the usual area.

One of the main advantages of "Khrushchev" remains their location in well-developed areas of the city. In addition, such houses, despite their age and simplicity of construction, have certain advantages. For example, in winter they are warm because of heating, and if modern windows are installed in the apartment, then the housing is quite comfortable to live in. 


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