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Family Loan with 6% rate was extended till 2030

Family Loan with 6% rate was extended till 2030

Family mortgage at 6% rate was extended until 2030

The Ministry of Finance of Russia has approved new conditions for obtaining a Family Mortgage, which will help many families to purchase housing at a discounted rate. Now families with at least one child under the age of six will be able to get a loan at 6%.

A Family Mortgage at a rate of 6% applies to families with children where there is at least one child under the age of six. This is a great opportunity for young families to purchase an apartment in a new building or build an individual apartment building.

The loan amount for residents of Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Oblast’ can reach up to 12 million rubles, and for other regions — up to 6 million rubles. In addition, it is possible to increase the amount to 30 million and 15 million rubles, respectively, but in this case, the market interest rate will apply. The initial payment is 20%, which makes the process of obtaining a mortgage even more affordable.

If you already have a loan issued, then after the birth of the child you will be able to refinance it. This is a great opportunity to improve your living conditions for the whole family.

In addition, the preferential program applies to families living in cities with a population of up to 50 thousand people and having two minor children. This means that many young families will be able to take advantage of this program and provide themselves with comfortable housing.

The benefits apply to families with a disabled child. It is important that such families have the opportunity to provide their children with the best living conditions.

In general, the new conditions for obtaining a family mortgage open up wide opportunities for young families and families with children. This is a great opportunity to purchase housing on favorable terms and provide your children with comfortable living and development conditions.

If you have acquaintances or friends who could use this program, be sure to share this information with them. After all, together we can help each other create better living conditions!

Keep up to date with all the news and benefits programs that can help you and your loved ones find their own homes.


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