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The expert spoke about what "bad apartments" are and why they are sold below the market

The expert spoke about what "bad apartments" are and why they are sold below the market

The expert spoke about what "bad apartments" are and why they are sold below the market

Real estate market expert Alla Shinkevich told how often apartments with an unpleasant history are found, how a single death of a tenant, and how such objects affect the price.

«From time to time, objects with an unpleasant history appear on the real estate market. This is usually not related to crimes, but rather to the death of a tenant who went unnoticed for a long time. Such apartments rarely fall into the category of "with a criminal past", but still cause certain concerns among buyers.

When someone passes away in an apartment and is not found for a long time, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate the consequences. Not only the wallpaper is removed, but also the plaster, floors and ceilings to eliminate the unpleasant odor that is absorbed into the materials and persists for a long time. Thus, the apartment can be put in order and the negative consequences can be minimized.

I remember there was a case when a lonely grandmother died, and only the neighbors noticed her absence by calling the police. The smell spread across the landing, and it was not possible to get rid of it completely. As a result, the apartment had to be sold below market value. However, if the traces of an unpleasant situation can be hidden, housing can be sold at the usual price or only slightly cheaper in case of an urgent sale.

Apartments with a bad history sometimes attract investors due to significant discounts. However, there are few hunters for such objects. Buying a home with an unpleasant history can be attractive if you manage to eliminate all traces and bring the apartment into proper shape.

In my practice, there have been cases of working with such apartments, and this is always a difficult process. For example, one of the apartments where the corpse had been lying for a long time required serious cleaning and repair work. We never try to hide such details from customers and always try to eliminate shortcomings. This is important to maintain the trust of clients and the reputation of the agency.

It is worth noting that the condition of such apartments usually leaves much to be desired. This is due to the fact that they were often inhabited by people who lead an antisocial lifestyle. Situations with alcoholics or degrading personalities are also not uncommon. Therefore, the price of such objects is lower, which is logical, given their condition and history.

In St. Petersburg, there are now frequent cases when buyers discover cockroaches or bedbugs after buying a home. This also angers buyers, especially if insects appear in new homes. Fortunately, modern tools make it possible to effectively combat these problems».

Source: www.kvmeter.ru



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